Essentials for a new born baby
There is no dearth of advice for new parents on when to buy, what to buy, or how much to buy. Innumerable items are available in the market for the new born baby, but certain items are absolute necessities. A list of bare essentials for your new born baby are discussed below.
A baby’s room calls for adorable decor, but you also need furniture which makes your infant’s care easier and safer. A lightweight crib, cradle or bassinet is the first item that goes for any nursery. A bassinet cradle or three-sided crib (co-sleeper) can be a good option for the first few months. Most cribs do not come with mattresses so you will require a fire-retardant mattress. In addition, you need a nightlight, a toy basket, and a baby monitor.
Sleep is precious and important, both for you and your baby. If you decide to co-sleep, it is necessary to keep the baby’s area firm and safe. Quick dry sheets are necessary to ensure your baby has a dry, comfortable bed to sleep in. Mosquito net is another necessity. A good quality mosquito net can protect your baby from bites and diseases.
Diaper holds the first position in the shopping list. You also need a pad for the baby to lie on while changing, wet wipes to clean your baby’s bottom. Wet wipes let you retain the moisture in your baby’s skin while leaving the area clean, and diaper rash ointment or cream. To keep the dirty diapers before throwing them, separate garbage bags is a good option.
Clothes of a new born baby must be comfortable, and cotton based. Buy soft fabrics and avoid, glitter, ribbons, and buttons as these could be choking hazards or a source of skin irritation. The basic essentials are sleep suits designed for easy changing followed by a few pairs of socks or booties to keep the feet warm. A cotton cap and swaddle cloth are also essential to ensure that the baby always feels warm and safe.
Bathing & Cleaning
Bath time can be lots of fun if you are prepared with all the right gear. For bathing, you will require a tub. For the little ones, you can get tubs with sponge inserts. You will also need a few bath towels or hooded baby towels, baby soap and shampoo, hair brush and comb, massage and hair oil, and a baby cream to keep the skin moisturised.
Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed, you need the right gear. You need to sterilise the teats and bottles before feeding. As it is important to clean the bottle after every feed, a bottle steriliser and a cleaning brush are important to ensure cleanliness and hygiene. While feeding, use a bib on the baby to avoid spills.
Talk to your paediatrician about their recommendations for the medicine cabinet. They can tell you what kinds of medications, ointments or first aid kit is necessary. Making regular visits to the paediatrician clinic is important to keep your new born child healthy. Hand sanitizers are also essential to keep your hands clean while managing your new born baby.